Thursday, November 5, 2009

The team, my peeps

The kind of work my team and I do is quite physical. We are constantly moving heavy objects, being sliced and poked by spiny thorns or branches, plunging our manly hands in and out of water, cleaning and prepping mysterious equipment and accessories often with volatile chemicals and did I mention we stand on our feet for 8-12 hours at a time whilst designing? So, what's the upside of being floral designers? Creating beautiful things, duh!

ASFD teammate, Heather Rose (check the name too, no foolin'!), is a gift. Seriously intuitive and nurturing to the core...she always finds the best use of each other's talents and time, then quickly executes 20+ stunning centerpieces, sweeps up floral shrapnel like a windswept faerie and, on occasion, even makes us all lunch! A loving wife and mother of 3 kick-ass teenage kids, she knows how to keep wheels in motion. And in the 11th hour, when team ASFD starts to melt, she promptly puts "The Best of Blondie" CD in the tune box. What's not love about this woman? She is filled with great mojo and is purely precious to the core. Get to know her.



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